The teaching offered at our lycée carries through both cycles of middle school, from sixième (6ème) or 6th grade to troisième (3ème) or 9th grade , which are defined as follows :

Cycle 4 : the in-depth learning cycle is composed of 5ème (7th grade), 4ème (8th grade) and 3ème (9th grade)


In cycle 3 , students complete the base of knowledge and competencies gained in cycle 2, the previous cycle of primary school. They are also introduced to experimental sciences and technology, history and geography, and history of art. The 6ème class – the first year of middle school and last year of cycle 3 – aims at helping students adapt to the organization and environment of middle school while ensuring continuity of learning between CM1 and CM2 – the last two years of primary school – and middle school.

Starting in 6ème class, the last year of cycle 3, the following subjects are taught : art, music education, physical education (PE), biology and earth sciences, physics-chemistry (taught together), technology, French, Bulgarian, English, mathematics, history-geography (taught together) and moral and civic education. Each subject is taught on a one teacher-one subject basis. In addition to these core subjects, new specific teaching set-ups will be implemented under the 2016 middle school reform such as Personalized Learning Support (Accompagnement Personnalisé or AP) to support the child’s ability to learn and progress while developing his or her autonomy and several other horizontal competencies.

Cycle 4 , dedicated to in-depth learning, is made up of 5éme (7th grade), 4ème (8th grade) and 3ème (9th grade) . In this cycle, students will develop their knowledge and competencies in the different subjects taught at middle school while preparing themselves to further pursue their training and to take an active part in in the evolution of society. Practical Interdisciplinary Lessons ( Enseignements Pratiques Interdisciplinaires or EPI) are introduced in cycle 4 to help students build , deepen and broaden their knowledge and competencies through a project-based approach leading to a practical production which can be either individual or collective.

In 5ème class (1st grade) , the second year of cycle 4, the students must choose a second foreign language between German or Spanish. A pathway for familiarization with the world of work and training is offered to all 3ème class pupils. This one-week work experience allows them to become acquainted with this world and to observe it. They will later be asked to account for their experience both in oral and written forms.

Dedicated rooms allow for better learning conditions and processes in certain subjects such as biology and earth sciences, physics-chemistry and information technology.

Our students also have access to information and documentary research thanks to the Centre for Knowledge and Culture (Centre de Connaissances et de Culture : 3C or CCC)