- For the quality of its higher education
- For the international outlook of higher education
- For the contemporary French culture
- For the art of living in France
- For the dynamics of the French economy
- For the scholarships provided
The « Excellence-Major » scholarships are offered by the French Institut to future students of the European Union (non-french students). They are awarded for the 1st academic year. Students can then apply can apply annually for a Dossier Social Etudiant (DES) from the Centres Régionaux des Œuvres Universitaires et Scolaires (C.R.O.U.S), a network of 27 establishments helping 2.8 million students (grants, catering, accommodation, access to culture, student jobs, etc.).
The “France Excellence-Major scholarships are awarded on criteria of excellence to foreign graduates from the network of French schools around the world to come and pursue their higher education in France. This device, funded by the AEFE (Agency for French Teaching Abroad) and MAEDI (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development), is part of the cultural diplomacy and helps promote French higher education.
The platform allows you to find information and apply for over 23,000 higher education courses in a single calendar and a single application.
Higher education in France (latest version 2020)
- ONISEP: l’Office National d’Information Sur les Enseignements et les Professions. The National Office of Information On Teaching and Professions is THE reference site for orientation. It is aimed at younger and older high school students, as well as their parents.
- CAMPUS FRANCE : The national agency in service of foreigners offers a complete system of information to best prepare their arrival in France.
- CNOUS: le Centre National des Œuvres Universitaires et Scolaires. The National Centre for University and Scolar works has the mission to make life easier for students in many fields: food, housing, scholarships, social and cultural activities, living in an international community, etc.
- AEFE: l’Agence pour l’Enseignement Français à l’Etranger. The Agency for French Teaching Abroad has implemented an orientation device for French and foreign students, coming from schools of the network of French institutions abroad.
- PARCOURSUP : the national platform for pre-registration for the first year of higher education in France.
- EMBASSY OF FRANCE IN BULGARIA: To help you with any administrative issues.